
Chandni Chowk, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

500 Watts Solar Panels Price in Pakistan

Curious about 500 Watts Solar Panel Prices in Pakistan? The 500 Watt Solar Panel Price in Pakistan depends on the characteristics of the products. Many companies are manufacturing 500-watt solar panels with distinct qualities, designs, and attributes. These panels are highly efficient and commonly used in residential and commercial areas. These solar panels are easily installable because of the aluminum alloy frames. The 530-watt solar panel can produce over 15.5 units of electricity when the sun rises at its highest, which is sufficient to run numerous electric appliances such as game consoles, DVD players, TVs, small refrigerators, and a microwave. These solar plates have excellent outdoor power generation performance.

500 Watts Solar Panels Price in Pakistan chart

JA – Solar Panel 500 Watt Price in Pakistan

JA solar panelsJA solar panels
JA 490W solar panel26,000-26,500 PKR
JA 495W solar panelJA 495W solar panel
JA 500W solar panelJA 500W solar panel
JA 505W solar panel27000-28,000 PKR

A Grade Solar Panels Price in Pakistan Today

Brand & SpecificationsPrice Per Watt (RS)Panel Price (RS)
Longi 500 watts single glass A grad documented3919500
JA 530 watts single glass A grad documented3820100
Maysun 540-watt grade solar panel price3720060
Logni 555 watts single glass A grad documented3922000

TOP 500 Watt Solar Panel Price in Pakistan

The 500-watt solar panel price in Pakistan is one of the most trending searches related to solar panel systems. However, it is important to note that while exact 500-watt solar panels are in the international market, they are rarely found in Pakistan due to their limited availability in the market. Instead, solar panels with wattage ranges of approximately 500 watts, such as 480 watts, 490 watts, 495 watts, 515 watts, 520 watts, and 530 watts, are commonly used as alternatives to 500-watt solar panels in Pakistan. The prices of these panels can vary based on their wattage size. Considering all these factors, the average 500W solar panel price in Pakistan starts from Rs. 21,500. In this blog, we will highlight different brands that manufacture 500W solar panels and discuss the best alternative options available with their respective prices. 

Renowned Brands: Explore offerings from top-rated solar panel manufacturers known for their quality and reliability.
Performance Efficiency: Assess the efficiency ratings of different 500-watt panels to ensure optimal energy production.
Performance Efficiency: Assess the efficiency ratings of different 500-watt panels to ensure optimal energy production.
Affordability: Compare prices across brands to find cost-effective options that suit your budget without compromising on quality.
Long-Term Savings: Consider the upfront investment in 500-watt solar panels as a smart long-term investment, leading to significant savings on electricity bills.
Warranty Coverage: Look for panels with comprehensive warranty coverage to safeguard your investment and ensure peace of mind.
Custom Solutions: Seek out providers offering tailored solar panel solutions to meet your specific energy needs, whether residential, commercial, or industrial.

List of 500-Watt Solar Panels in Pakistan

Canadian Solar Panels
Jinko Solar Panels
Jinko Solar Panels
Longi Solar Panels
Trina Solar

500 Watt Solar Panel 

A 500-watt panel offers a significant power output suitable for various applications, from residential to commercial installations, in Pakistan. With its higher wattage, it can generate more electricity, making it ideal for households with higher energy demands or businesses aiming to reduce their reliance on the grid. Despite its higher capacity, modern 500-watt panels are designed to be efficient and space-saving, making them a practical choice for rooftops or limited installation areas. However, potential buyers should consider factors such as upfront cost, available roof space, and compatibility with existing solar setups before making a purchase decision. Investing in a 500-watt panel can lead to substantial long-term savings on electricity bills and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future for Pakistan.


The manufacturing materials determine the weight of solar panels, like 500w so big power is usually traditional rigid solar panels, the general factors affecting solar panels:

Glass or plastic panels
Supporting back sheet
Solar cells
Aluminum frame
Accessories such as junction box cables

The weight of solar cells is negligible, when you buy two solar panels, the weight of the frame is about 30% heavier compared to one solar panel, which can be more costly for transportation as well as installation. The junction box cables and other accessories for a single solar panel are better stowed for transportation than two. Of course, if you are considering a large solar project, the weight is even more important, as transportation costs, packaging costs, and a single 500w solar panel are more suitable.


When you have enough space for installation and it is a fixed installation project, 500w solar panels undoubtedly have a natural advantage, fewer screws, fewer wires, less is more, no matter wiring or installation, it is much simpler. Lower technical difficulty and higher installation factor. When your installation space is limited or affected by shadows, you can choose two solar panels, decentralized installation is more flexible to deal with shadows better. You can also use MPPT control to minimize the impact of shadows on the efficiency of solar panels. 

After the physical installation, conduct thorough testing to verify the functionality and efficiency of the system. This includes checking for any wiring issues, monitoring the output of each panel, and ensuring the correct operation of inverters and other components.

Finally, commission the system and educate the homeowner or end-user on its operation, maintenance requirements, and safety procedures. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the panels and inspecting electrical connections, is essential to ensure the longevity and efficiency of the solar installation.


Maintaining 500-watt solar panels in Pakistan is essential for maximizing their efficiency and longevity. Regular maintenance involves cleaning the panels to remove dust, dirt, and debris, especially during the dry and dusty seasons prevalent in many parts of the country. Inspecting for any signs of damage or wear, such as cracks or loose connections, is also crucial. Additionally, monitoring the performance of the panels to ensure they are generating the expected amount of electricity is important. Periodic professional inspections may be necessary to address any issues promptly and ensure optimal performance, ultimately safeguarding your investment in solar energy.


The cost of a 500-watt solar panel in Pakistan varies depending on factors such as brand, quality, and additional features. On average, you can expect to invest in a 500-watt solar panel system for a competitive price that aligns with your budget. It’s essential to consider the long-term benefits of solar energy, including reduced electricity bills and environmental impact, when evaluating the upfront cost. By exploring different options and providers, you can find a cost-effective solution that meets your energy needs while contributing to a sustainable future for Pakistan.


A single large panel has a cleaner and more generous appearance, while small panels installed in a decentralized manner have different aesthetics, and you can choose the type according to your needs.

Types of 500W Solar Panels

If you are looking to install a 500 W solar panel system, then you have three choices to choose from:

500W On Grid
500W Off Grid
500W Hybrid

Components of 500W Solar System

The standard components that we provide with the purchase of our 500 W solar system include:

A solar panel
Solar inverter
Battery if demanded or needed.
Mounting or racking for mounting and fixing the solar panels and other components securely.
Wirings as per the requirement.
charger controller

What are 500-watt solar panels used for?

500-watt solar panels are designed for larger solar power installations. They can be found in setups such as;

Utility-scale solar farms 
commercial jobs 
Ground mount system 

Are 500-watt solar panels worth it for your home?

Investing in 500-watt solar panels for your home can be a worthwhile decision depending on several factors. Firstly, consider your energy consumption and whether a 500-watt system aligns with your needs. If you have a larger household or higher energy usage, these panels may provide sufficient power to meet your requirements, potentially leading to significant savings on electricity bills over time.

Additionally, assess your available roof space and sunlight exposure. 500-watt panels require adequate space and optimal sunlight to maximize their efficiency. If your home has ample roof area with unobstructed access to sunlight, installing these panels can be a viable option to harness solar energy effectively.

Furthermore, consider the upfront cost versus long-term benefits. While 500-watt panels may involve a higher initial investment compared to lower-wattage options, they can generate more electricity, leading to greater savings over the lifespan of the system. Factor in available incentives, rebates, and financing options to make the investment more affordable.

Lastly, evaluate the environmental impact and

sustainability benefits of switching to solar energy. By investing in 500-watt solar panels, you’re reducing your reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to a cleaner, greener future for your home and the planet.

In conclusion, 500-watt solar panels can indeed be worth it for your home if they align with your energy needs, roof space, budget, and commitment to sustainability. Consider consulting with a reputable solar provider to assess your specific situation and determine the best solar solution for your home.

What is the best solar panel wattage for your home?

If 500-watt solar panels aren’t right for you, what size panel should you use?

A 350-400 W solar panel is the most popular choice for residential installations. This is because this range offers the best mix of the three most important solar panel factors: size, cost, and efficiency.

Solar companies will generally stock a few different models of panels, and nearly always have at least one panel in the 350-400 W range.

If you are interested in finding out how many solar panels you need, use our solar calculator. It is very accurate as it is based on past solar installations in your area.

It will estimate your recommended system size, monthly electric bill after solar, and estimated savings over 25 years.

After seeing your results, you can choose to get quotes from 1-4 local solar installers.

500 Watts of Solar Panel Wiring

When wiring a 500-watt solar panel system, it’s crucial to follow proper installation procedures to ensure efficiency and safety. Begin by determining the appropriate wire gauge based on the distance between the solar panels and the charge controller or inverter. Selecting the correct wire gauge minimizes voltage drop and ensures optimal performance of the system.

Most solar panels nowadays come with MC4 connectors that can plug right into your charge controller. The other cable you’d need here depending on how you’re planning on setting up your system, would be some MC4 to alligator clips.

The Charge Controller
The Battery
The Inverter

What is the highest-watt solar panel?

Solar panels are getting higher in wattage with each year. Many companies are crossing the 600-watt mark, and some even inching close to 700 watts with the use of the topic on solar panels. 



In conclusion, the price of 500-watt solar panels in Pakistan reflects a worthwhile investment in sustainable energy. While initial costs may vary, the long-term benefits of reduced electricity bills and environmental impact make them a valuable addition to any home or business. By harnessing solar power, individuals can contribute to a cleaner, greener future while enjoying significant savings over time. Explore the available options and take the first step towards embracing renewable energy solutions in Pakistan.

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